lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2018

Review: Unity, Volume 1: To Kill a King

Unity, Volume 1: To Kill a King Unity, Volume 1: To Kill a King by Matt Kindt
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

It's some difficult to try something like the JLA or The Avengers with an Universe like Valiant's.
But this story is one of the best exercises of an introduction. You don't need to know who are X-O Manowar, Eternal Warrior, Ninjak, Toyo Harada or Livewire. Matt Kindt is gonna tell you who they are, and the story will put you inside this universe with an adventure that is gonna capture you forever.
I warn you: If you read this, be sure you'll be reading a lot of Universe Valiant series.

Here, we find a political conflict related to the visigoth origins of Aric (X-O Manowar). But there'll be more than a superhero action against a new country. Harada has his own agenda, and Unity will be a group absolutely different respect we found in a first moment. And you're gonna love it! Because it will be inevitable.

Es difícil intentar algo como la JLA o Los Vengadores con un universo como el de Valiant.
Pero esta historia es uno de los mejores ejercicios para una presentación. No necesitas comocer quiénes son X-O Manowar, Eternal Warrior, Ninjak, Toyo Harada o Livewire. Matt Kindt te va a explicar quiénes son, y la historia te meteré dentro de este universo con una aventura que te cautivará para siempre.
Os lo advierto, Si leéis esto, os aseguro que leeréis un montón de series del Universo Valiant. Porque será inevitable.

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